Darkness News

Colorado Hosts Newest Dark Sky Place

November 25, 2021 - International Dark Sky Association

Top of the Pines, a private campground in Ouray County is the tenth park in the state.

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The Next Dark Sky Reserve?

November 24, 2021 - Desert Sun

Recent measurements from the Mojave Trails National Monument show that the park meets the threshold for IDA consideration. Spokespeople have said the certification process will begin soon.

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Cumberland, BC is ‘Too Bright’

November 23, 2021 - Comox Valley Record

Residents are complaining about brightness and direction of new, supposedly dark sky compliant LED street lighting.

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New Measurement for Moonlight

November 22, 2021 - Remote Sensing

A team of researchers, led by Di Liu at Sun Yat-Sen University have created a new way to measure reflected moonlight as a component of light pollution using UAVs and CCD cameras.

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San Bernardino County Passes Dark Sky Ordinance

November 21, 2021 - Victoriaville Daily Press

Lights in the region must be 3000K or lower, pointed downward, and be turned off by 11pm. These rules will go into effect Jan 1.

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Dark Sky Lighting Still too Bright for Some

November 19, 2021 - Comox Valley Record

New 39W, 3000K LEDs in Cumberland, BC are drawing complaints from village residents.

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Lyndon B Johnson Historical Park Preserves its Night

November 18, 2021 - International Dark Sky Association

The IDA and the National Parks Service announced that Stonewall, TX-area park has been certified as a dark sky park. Work in this case was done by the Hill Country Alliance, an non-profit NGO dedicated to a heritage and natural resources.

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One More Thing About DST

November 17, 2021 - La Crosse Tribune

Notable among the increase in auto collisions that follow the seasonal clock change of daylight saving time, accidents involving deer occur more frequently.

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New Study into Mosquito Biting Behavior in Africa

November 16, 2021 - Mail & Guardian

A team at the University of Pretoria has received a grant from Jennifer Ward Oppenheimer to determine if the spread of ALAN in Africa changes mosquito biting habits and issues related to that.

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Texas Adds Another International Dark Sky Park

November 15, 2021 - LighTED Magazine

The International Dark Sky Association has approved the certification of Milton Reimers Ranch Park in Travis County as a Dark Sky Park.

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Light at night disrupts biological clocks, calendars, and immune function

November 12, 2021 - Seminars in Immunopathology

A team of researchers at West Virginia University lead by William Walker have confirmed that circadian disruption directedly corelates with damage to immune function.

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A New Way to Distinguish Ground Light from Space

November 11, 2021 - Remote Sensing

A multinational team of researchers have devised a new method for identifying lighting types when photographed by the International Space Station. A quick comparison of blue-to-green and green-to-red ratio of light can distinguish between sodium or halogen light.

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