Darkness News

New York State Expands Lights Out Order

May 30, 2022 - New York Ag Connection

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has joined the state’s General Services Commission in asking for rural residents to join in the effort to limit ‘unnecessary’ exterior light at night during migration seasons.

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3 German Cities Begin Reducing Street Lighting

May 27, 2022 - Tekdeeps

Darmstadt, Mainz, and Weimar have announced plans to either dim street lights, turn them on later, turn them off earlier, or add sensors that limit operation to when pedestrians and cyclists are present in the name of energy savings.

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Jackson Hole, Wyoming Residents Reject Street Lighting

May 26, 2022 - Jackson Hole News & Guide

Residents along one street in western Wyoming have rejected a town council proposal to add street lighting. The street itself runs between a national forest and an elk reserve; complainants cited the need for dark skies in their letters to council.

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Circadian Disruption Linked to Several Cancers

May 25, 2022 - Frontiers in Oncology

An international team have linked damage to the circadian system’s operation is linked to bladder, kidney and prostate cancer rates.

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Light Pollution Drops as Energy Prices Rise

May 24, 2022 - The Guardian

The Campaign to Protect Rural England’s February and March star counting campaign has shown that recent nights are the darkest since 2011. Organizers of the citizen science project credit changes in energy use over the past two years with the improvements.

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Night Shift Work Raises Insulin and Leptin Levels

May 20, 2022 - Frontiers in Endocrinology

A long-term study comparing night and day shift nurses found that more than 8 days on the night shift causes notable changes to metabolic levels.

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Less Light at Twilight: the Key to Pedestrian Safety?

May 19, 2022 - Evari

Pedestrian fatalities are up, but staticians are beginning to think that the amount of light relative to time of day have an outsized effect on those numbers.

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Design Lights Consortium Issues Whitepaper on Non-White LEDs

May 18, 2022 - Design Lights Consortium

A new publication from the DLC’s LUNA committee has determined that several types of amber LED lighting technologies are suitable for dark sky applications. The report also calls for new standards in how colors are labelled.

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ANSI/IES TM-37 Evaluates and Addresses Sky Glow

May 16, 2022 - Energy Watch

The Illuminating Engineering Society and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have created a new technical memorandum on describing, measuring, and estimating sky glow.

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Your Guide for Sea Turtle Nesting Grounds

May 13, 2022 - WNCT

Laying season has begun, and herpetologists at the Karen Beasley Center would like to remind property owners to limit lighting and beach-goers to fill in holes they dig before leaving.

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European Comission Tackles Light Pollution

May 12, 2022 - European Commission’s Science and Knowledge Service

A new publication offers advice on planning, measurement, and a great new acronym: ALARA for As Low As Reasonably Achievable light.

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UK Dark Sky Festival Brings in Cash

May 11, 2022 - Yorkshire Dales NP

£200,000 (247,884 USD) in income for local business estimated after a dark sky festival at Yorkshire Dales and North York Moors National Parks. Tourism office estimates 5,000 attended the February event.

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