Darkness News

The IDA Wants You

June 15, 2022 - IDA

The International Dark Sky Association is now accepting applications for the advocacy network. New groups can submit for approval now.

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Circadian Rhythm Connected to Diet, Eye Health, Lifespan

June 14, 2022 - Nature

A Buck Institute study has demonstrated the correlation of three health outcomes to the maintenance of the one system in fruit flies. Insects deprived of food on certain schedules lived longer, saw changes in eyes.

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Professional Ping Pongers Need a Good Night’s Sleep

June 13, 2022 - Brain Sciences

An event-related potential study conducted by the Beijing Sport University showed that both high-level table tennis athletes and non-athlete participants suffered notably after 36 hours of sleep deprivation.

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The Audubon Society of Oregon Asks for Lights Out

June 10, 2022 - Oregon Public Broadcasting

The Portland branch of the bird welfare group has requested that residents in the northern part of state dim or extinguish lights for migration season. 5 million birds are expected to pass through the region each day of the period.

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Melatonin Poisoning on the Rise Among Young People

June 9, 2022 - Associated Press

US poison control centers have seen a 6-fold increases in calls about children consuming large doses of melatonin supplements. Such overdoses are usually harmless long-term.

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Colorado Plans More Dark Sky Spaces

June 8, 2022 - 5280 Magazine

A new House Bill proposes diverting state tourism office funds to any area seeking recognition from the International Dark Sky Association as a dark sky space. The state already has 15 recognized spaces.

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New Dallas High-Rise Draws Complaints

June 7, 2022 - NBC Dallas

20-story structure on Pearl Street includes a 10-floor parking garage that local claim is lit too brightly at night. Property managers have told city councilors that they plan to install screens for that portion of the building.

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Circadian Rhythm Disruption Increases Tumor Growth Rate

June 6, 2022 - Advanced Biology

Mice that were kept in enclosures with irregular lighting schedules, saw faster growth of injected tumors than control groups.

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Michigan Dark Sky Preserves Close at 10pm

June 3, 2022 - Michigan Live

A policy audit by the state Department of Natural Resources has discovered that the 6 IDA recognized dark sky preserves are closed to all but registered campers after 10pm. A meeting on the 9th may change land use policy.

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Hudson Valley, NY Asks for Lights Out

June 2, 2022 - Hudson Valley Post

Residents of Southern NY have been asked by local authorities to turn off non-essential lighting at 11pm. The State Department of Environmental Conservation is asking these to avoid bird strikes.

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Locals Like Astrotourism

June 1, 2022 - Sustainability

A new study from the University of Zaragoza in Spain has determined that approval of dark sky-related laws and policies is related to how well they work as a draw for tourism.

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A Proposed Dark Sky Reserve Would be the World’s Largest

May 31, 2022 - Colorado Public Radio

A site proposed in southern central Colorado near Sangre de Cristo would cover 4,200 square miles of territory. Most of that space is within the bounds of two national protected forests.

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