Darkness News

Maui May Ban Outdoor Fixtures

July 21, 2022 - Hawaii News Now

County Bill 21 would ban the most common types exterior fixtures. The aim of the bill is protect seabirds and will carry a fine of $1000 per day if passed.

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Low Lighting in Parks Makes People Feel Better

July 20, 2022 - Sustainability

A joint study from the departments of Architecture and Psychology at Università degli Studi della Campania has determined that low lighting at warmer color temperatures makes park occupants feel better while also reducing energy use and limiting harm on to local plants and insects.

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Bat-Friendly Street Lighting Nominated for Award

July 19, 2022 - Light Now

Bollards with directed red lights in Frederiksborgvej, Denmark designed by Focus Lighting AS and implemented by the Light Bureau has won a Build Back Better award.

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Pollen Season is Getting Longer – Light Pollution is the Cause

July 18, 2022 - The Conversation

A study from Iowa State University has found that regions above a certain ALAN level experienced flowering 9 days earlier. The early start aggravates allergies and asthma, as well exposing the plants to risks of frost damage.

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Falling Walls Prize Shortlists GFZ Potsdam’s Citizen Science Project

July 15, 2022 - Twitter

Global “ideas and connections” group acknowledges the work of light pollution observation group.

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Build a Insect Circadian Activity Tracking Device

July 14, 2022 - PLOS Biology

The Sticky Pi is a a smart trap created by researchers at the University of British Columbia. The open-source device uses algorithms and deep learning to measure insect activity.

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Chronotherapy on the Rise

July 13, 2022 - Pharmaceutics

Oncologists and microbiologist in France have begun to study circadian alignment with pharmaceutical dosing. A meta-study from Université de Lille shows that there is value in matching the timing of therapies with circadian rhythms for maximum effect.

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Chestnut Hill, PA Pushes Back on Bright Street Lights

July 12, 2022 - Fox 29

Residents are complaining that the city’s new LEDs are too bright and too harsh for comfort. Local critics hope to pause a 120,000 lamp upgrade project.

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Sports Facilities Are Getting Brighter

July 11, 2022 - International Journal of Sustainable Lighting

GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences has determined that UK sports stadia are emitting as much as a factor of 5 more light since 2012.

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Wisconsin Parks Eye Dark Sky Status

July 8, 2022 - Wisconsin Rapids Tribune

The Driftless Region’s Kickapoo Valley Reserve, Wildcat Mountain State Park, and Tunnelville Cliffs State Natural Area in Southwestern WI have begun the work to become a dark sky park under the supervision of Scott Lind

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International Dark Sky Association Runs Photo Contest

July 7, 2022 - IDA

The 3rd annual Capture the Dark Sky Photography contest is accepting entries across nine categories until July 21st. Prizes are presented in partnership with Visit Utah.

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Light Pollution Disrupts Seasonal Adaptation

July 6, 2022 - Hormones and Behavior

The extended artificial day time is harming the ability to adapt to seasonal changes and altering mating behaviors.

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