Darkness News

Elizabeth Parkinson Awarded Grant from National Science Foundation

September 29, 2022 - Patch

A doctoral student at Oakland University’s Department of Biological Sciences has received a graduate research fellowship for her work on ALAN’s effects on insect ecology.

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Boulder City, NV Plans Dark Sky Retrofits

September 28, 2022 - CBS 8 News Now

A project set to begin in 2023 with a 19-million dollar budget has been approved by city council. Once completed, the city will begin the process of being recognized by the IDA as Nevada’s first dark sky community.

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Daylight Saving Time-Related Sleep Loss Reduces Empathy

September 27, 2022 - PLOS Biology

A series of studies conducted by researchers at UC Berkley has determined that insufficient sleep reduces altruistic behavior. Of note was that the period after daylight saving time reduced charitable donations in region that observe the time change, but not the regions that don’t.

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ALAN Helps Cheatgrass Spread

September 26, 2022 - Ecology and Evolution

Alleyways in Denver lit by streetlighting have found higher densities of bromus tectorum, an invasive weed that outcompetes local plant life or crops and then dries out early in the season representing a grassfire hazard.

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ALAN Bothers Wallabies

September 23, 2022 - Particle

La Trobe University biologists have found that marsupials under brighter, blue-rich LED lighting at night had reduced melatonin levels. However, wallabies under amber LEDs M levels were similar to wallabies kept in darkness.

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Circadian Disruption Makes Nearly Every Mental Health Problem Worse

September 22, 2022 - Translational Psychiatry

A group of researchers at the University of California, Irvine that sleep disruption and its attendant disruptions to the cellular microbiome aggravate the symptoms of a wide range of mental health disorders. The study includes developmental disorders like ADD and ASD, neurodivergence, personality disorders, depression and anxiety.

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Irish Senator Calls for Limiting Billboard Illumination

September 21, 2022 - The Journal

Lynn Boylan of Sinn Féin has called for LED signage to be extinguished from 10pm to 6am. This motion is similar to energy-minded restriction placed in Spain and Germany.

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Merritt Reservoir, Nebraska is the 200th Dark Sky Place

September 20, 2022 - Thrillist

The IDA has recognized the state recreation area as a Dark Sky Place. The park near Valentine in the northern part of the state has been hosting stargazing parties for 29 years.

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Amerlux’ Pendant Fixtures Recognized by IDA

September 19, 2022 - Sign Shop

The DPM and DPS series of of lighting fixtures has been recognized by the International Dark Sky Association for their fully shielded optics that limit, glare, skyglow and and light trespass.

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Canada’s First Urban Night Sky Place Recognized

September 16, 2022 - International Dark Sky Association

Parc du Mont-Bellevue in Sherbrooke, Quebec has been granted to status of Urban Night Sky Place by the IDA. This region effectively expands the range of the Mont-Mégantic International Dark Sky Reserve.

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Teton County Wyoming Approves Dark Sky Regulations

September 15, 2022 - Jackson Hole News and Guide

New rules limiting lighting new construction, renovations, and mandating shielding on flood lights have come into effect. Additionally, publicly-owned and managed lights will be extinguished or dimmed after 1 hour after the end of official occupancy. The County hopes for recognition from IDA as a Dark Sky Community.

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Reduced Street Lighting Doesn’t Change Crime Rates, Doesn’t Change Accident Rates

September 14, 2022 - Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health

The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine has gone over stats from 2 English and Welsh municipalities that have reduced street lighting at night and determined that any changes in crime or mishap are negligible when compared to stats from previous years.

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