Darkness News

Wickenburg, AZ Will Not Seek Dark Sky Status

November 22, 2022 - Wickenburg Sun

The western Arizona town’s council and community development director have determined that while they will reevaluate lighting ordinances with a mind toward night sky preservation they will not do so through the International Dark Sky Association’s program, citing cost concerns and existing regulations.

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Sleeping with ALAN Increases Risk of Diabetes, Other Health Issues

November 21, 2022 - CNN

A study of 100,00 Chinese adults has found that light exposure while sleeping increases blood sugar and heart rate. High blood sugar increases rates of insulin resistance, raising the chance of diabetes by 28%; while high resting hearts rates have been linked with heart disease.

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Blue Light Pollution Causes Retinal Damage

November 19, 2022 - Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology

A Lanzhou University Second Hospital study on rats has found that blue light triggers retinal cell death via ferroptosis.

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Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology Recruits Citizens to Measure Light Pollution

November 18, 2022 - Remote Sensing

The NightUp app allowed participants to photograph and tag the location of street lighting for color and bright ness measurements. The pilot program has been deemed promising for application in policy and design decisions by the research team that created the app.

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South Carolina Celebrates 2nd Best Turtle Nesting Season

November 17, 2022 - NBC News 2

Efforts from advocates and the state department of natural recourses in reducing lighting and traffic around beaches are credited with saving 8002 nests this year.

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Bend, Oregon Gets 7% Brighter Every Year

November 15, 2022 - Bend Bulletin

Local scientist and IDA member, Bill Kowalik has been measuring light levels in the central Oregon town over three years. The local IDA chapter is hoping to raise awareness for better lighting in the region.

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Caltrans adds Dark Sky Signage in Julian

November 14, 2022 - Fox 5

San Diego Officials have added new signage to route 78 and 79 indicating that drivers are entering a dark sky community.

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French Laboratories Move Toward Absolute Light Pollution Indicator

November 11, 2022 - Scientific Reports

A paper published in Scientific Report proposes a night sky brightness dispersion ratio as a reproducible, objective measure of ALAN interference without having to calibrate multiple instruments at once.

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Grand Wailea Resort, Maui Settles Lawsuit

November 10, 2022 - Honolulu Civil Beat

Local environmental groups initially sued the hotel over bright lighting that lead to the deaths and injury of endangered Hawai’ian petrels. The resort has since dimmed, shielded, removed or replaced the offending fixtures.

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ALAN Increases Night-Migrating Birds Exposure to Airborne Toxins

November 9, 2022 - Global Change Biology

Measurements conducted at Cornell Ornithology have correlated exposure to light along migration paths with exposure to ground-level airborne contaminants. Birds that move to and from the US Gulf Coast were noted for particularly high levels of both.

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Lost Trail National Wildlife Refuge Recognized as Dark Sky Sanctuary

November 8, 2022 - International Business Times

The IDA and the US Fish and Wildlife Service announced that the 9,225 acre area in western Montana is officially a dark sky sanctuary.

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Spanish-Italian Research Team Measures Light as an Atmospheric Pollutant

November 7, 2022 - Atmospheric Pollution Research

A paper published in Atmospheric Pollution Research formulates a way to measure light as a concentration of particles, similar to other air pollutants. This allows for an explicit conversion to traditional photometric measures, enabling better research methods and regulations.

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