Darkness News

Leamington, ON Cites 12 Greenhouses on 88 Counts of Bylaw Violations

March 6, 2023 - CBC Windsor

The southern Ontario town’s light abatement bylaw can into force in November. Lighting that should be extinguished or blocked at night between 5pm and 8am has not be. Fines could be levied against all offenders.

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Waimakariri District, NZ Considers Dark Sky Community Program

March 3, 2023 - Star News Canterbury

The South Island’s Observatory and Astronomical Society staff were impressed by the Wairarapa Dark Sky Reserve’s work in securing better lighting for the region and are beginning the process for themselves.

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Moffat, Scotland has a Volunteer Lamp Carriers Instead of Fixtures

March 2, 2023 - Atlas Obscura

The IDA-recognized dark sky town enlists local youths act as ‘links’, Elizabethan slang for a torch-bearer, for two weeks in January when most public and privately-owned exterior lighting is turned off.

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Literature Review Confirms the Health Effects of ALAN

March 1, 2023 - Environmental Pollution

Researchers at the Institute for Information Technology and Human Factors, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan have done a meta-study of 134 existing published pieces on light at night and its effects on people, plants and animals and reaffirmed the known harms of light pollution.

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Light Pollution is Changing Starling Behaviour

February 28, 2023 - BBC News

Starlings are known for forming large groups and flying in unison — called a murmuration by ornithologists. But Irish birdwatchers are seeing this on the decline and are concerned that LED lighting is the cause.

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Ynys Enlli, Wales Named a Dark Sky Sanctuary

February 27, 2023 - IDA

Formerly known as Bardsey Island, the island site 1.9 miles off the coast of the UK. Home to 11 people and a bird observatory, the island is the first space awarded Sanctuary status in Europe by the International Dark Sky Association.

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Skellig Coast Plans Dark Sky Festival

February 24, 2023 - SCDarkSkyFest on Twitter

The Kerry Island Dark Sky Reserve in Ireland will host events from March 24-26th.

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ALAN Extends West Nile Risk Season

February 23, 2023 - BioMed Central

Reserve in Ireland will host events from March 24-26th. Read More ALAN Extends West Nile Risk Season February 23 - BioMed Central Light pollution does disrupt the life cycles of Culex mosquitoes such that they enter hibernation later in year. Longer activity cycles leads to more feeding, which in turn leads to higher risk of mosquito-borne diseases, such as the West Nile Virus, being spread.

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Pennington, NJ Targets Unshielded Lighting

February 22, 2023 - Central Jersey

The southern New Jersey town has amended its nuisance ordinance such that unshielded fixtures (which is to say any fixture that does not direct light downward or prevent spill across property lines) must be turned off between 10pm and sunrise. This explicitly included motion-sensor activated devices.

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London Proposes Dimming Lighting in Skyscrapers after 10

February 21, 2023 - Daily Mail

The City of London Corporation has proposed ‘brightness zones’ that would require dimming or extinguishing unnecessary lighting at different times. The city has also asked land owners to sign on to a voluntary Considerate Lighting Charter.

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Light Pollution is Extending Allergy Season

February 17, 2023 - OGP

Iowa State University has found that across 3,000 sites in the US light intensity has caused flowering plants to emit pollen 6 days earlier than is seasonal appropriate.

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Durango, CO Begins Dark Sky Mentorship

February 16, 2023 - Local News Network

The International Dark Sky Association and the Colorado Tourism Office has begin a new program in the southern Colorado town to teach the value of night restoration. The aim of this program is to reduce the 8 year timetable for Dark Sky Community certification.

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