Darkness News

Poor Sleep Linked with Atherosclerosis

March 22, 2023 - Posts English

A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association has linked irregular sleep with cardiovascular disease in adults over 45. The study specifically calls out the importance of darkness before bed in a good night’s sleep.

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Pepperell, Mass Picks 2200K Street Lighting

March 21, 2023 - LEDs Magazine

North-eastern Massachusetts town will replace its 413 municipally-owned street lamps with amber-warm LEDs from Cooper. The town, under advisement from a local IDA member, has also opted to dim the fixtures to 30% between midnight and dawn.

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Light Before Bed Linked with Gestational Diabetes

March 20, 2023 - American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Pre-sleep light exposure during the second trimester does acutely impair the metabolism and insulin sensitivity. The study recommends modifying behavior around light-emitting devices of all sorts during pregnancy to reduce risks.

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ALAN is Causing ‘Ecological Chaos’

March 17, 2023 - BBC Future

Abundance of light at night is altering the growth and reproductive cycles of plants, which in turn is altering the life cycle of pollinators. These harms are compounding on each other making things worse for all plants and animals.

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“Lights Out: Recovering Our Night Sky” Coming to the Smithsonian

March 16, 2023 - Smithsonian Institute

On March 23rd, the capitol museum will host a 4,000 sq-ft exhibition on the effect of light pollution in history curated by Stephen Loring and Kim Arcand. The display will remain on December of 2025.

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Sleep Deprivation Decreases Inhibitions in Young Males

March 15, 2023 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

A team of researchers at the School of Psychology, Beijing Sport University, Beijing has found that cognitive processing ability drops off after periods without sleep.

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Bowie Tribute Concert at Hebridean Dark Sky Festival

March 14, 2023 - The Scotsman

The Isle of Lewis off the coast of Scotland played host to varied covers and alternate reimagining of space-themed David Bowie songs performed by Josie Duncan, Scott C Park, Michael McGovern, and Andrew Eaton-Lewis on March 10th as part of the local astrotourism event.

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Danish Church to Install ‘Moonlighting’ System

March 13, 2023 - Hakai Magazine

A design for an exterior lighting system from the Aalbolg University would see a church on Anholt Island between Denmark and Sweden dim light relative to available moonlight. Local dark sky advocates have already overseen the town’s exterior lighting for light pollution mitigation already.

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Clarington, ON Introduces Lighting By-Law

March 10, 2023 - DurhamRegion.com

Southern Ontario town has voted in favor of the vaguely worded “No person shall create, cause or permit an intrusion of light of an unusual intensity or type onto adjacent property so as to be or to cause a nuisance.” after an uptick in municipal complaints since 2020.

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Regulations for Satellite Mega-Constellations Needed

March 9, 2023 - Springer Briefs in Law

A new book from Scott Millwood and Springer Briefs has published a short book established the case for ‘urgent need’ for sky protection measures as well as proposing a regulatory framework for such protections.

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Traverse City School Appeals Censure Over Unshielded Lighting

March 8, 2023 - Yahoo News

The parking lot of Immaculate Conception Elementary in northwestern Michigan has drawn complaints from neighbors for their brightness and spillage. The school had previously been ordered by courts to install shielding by the end of February, but have been given a stay to find alternative as long the fixtures are dimmed to under 500 lumens.

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Wasatch County and Latter Day Saints Church Clash Over Lighting Regulations

March 7, 2023 - Salt Lake Tribun

A proposed temple in Haber Valley, Utah has filed for a zoning variance to allow upward-facing façade lighting, the county has maintained dark sky ordinances for nearly twenty years. Independent consultants have been brought in in hopes of a compromise.

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