Darkness News

LED Street Lighting Does Not Affect Melatonin Levels

April 11, 2023 - Clocks & Sleep

A new study from Virginia Tech has determined that salivary melatonin levels of road-users, residents, and those seated next to the road did not change between 3 different lighting options; none, LED, and high pressure sodium lamps. While previous studies used lab setting, VTTI was able to use their more naturalistic simulated highway.

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Xichong is China’s First Dark Sky Community

April 10, 2023 - IDA

10.9 square kilometers on the southern coast of China have been designated a Dark Sky Community by DarkSky International. The region also hosts the The Shenzhen Astronomical Observatory and the Greater Bay Dark Sky Astronomical Science Festival each January.

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IAU Surveys World on Dark Sky Efforts

April 6, 2023 - IAU Outreach

The Dark and Quiet Skies Global Outreach Project from the International Astronomers Union is asking the public to provide information about the state of night restoration and preservation around the world. Participants are asked to fill out what they know about such projects in their home regions.

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Sign the Petition to Support Sky Quality as SDG18

April 5, 2023 - ODS18.org

BPW Spain and the Starlight Foundation have launched an online petition to make sky quality and access to starlight a part of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

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Light at Night is Bad for Fall Armyworms

April 4, 2023 - Agronomy

Agricultural scientists in Guangzhou have determined that light at night reduces the survival rate of pupal-stage spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworms), as well as the reproduction rate of adult-stage moths. This was recommended as a pest management strategy for farmers, but does hold true to trends of lighting harming insect populations overall.

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How to Celebrate Dark Sky Week

March 31, 2023 - SEA Today

SEA Today has published a guide to the various activities anyone can engage in with during the week of April 15th. These range from citizen science projects to advocacy activities to nature walks.

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Hawnby, North Yorkshire to Switch to Dark Sky Lighting

March 30, 2023 - BBC Yorkshire

100 lights across 30 properties will be switched over to dark sky-friendly lighting. These project is done in partnership with the North York Moors Dark Sky Reserve.

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Fort Davis, Texas is 7% Darker

March 29, 2023 - NewsWest9

The west Texas city council, in partnership with the McDonald Observatory, is working toward being completely dark sky friendly by 2026. This move was inspired by the city of Alpine’s similar partnership two years ago.

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ALAN Increases the Rate of Death to Predation Among Caterpillars

March 28, 2023 - Science Daily

Lepidopterists at Cornell U have found that under lighting conditions between 10 to 15 lux moth caterpillars will suffer attacks from predators at rate 27% greater than areas kept dark. Ecologist Sara Kaiser asks that homeowners consider keeping exterior lighting off whenever possible to improve survival rates during the summer.

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Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Contra “Big Light” and “Big Space”

March 27, 2023 - Nature Astronomy

An article published in Nature Astronomy calls for regulation against light pollution and low-earth orbit objects as an act of preservation of the astronomical field. The article highlights the cash positions and interests of commercial space programs and the lighting industry as hazard to their work.

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Upper Peninsula Hosts Dark Sky Festival in April

March 24, 2023 - M Live

Copper Harbor, MI will host workshops, hikes, and special events at the Keweenaw Dark Sky Park on April 2st1 and 22nd. This is timed to coincide with Dark Sky Week.

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ALAN is Changing Urban Bird Demography

March 23, 2023 - Scientific Reports

A study of birds living in or near 17 European cities has found that insectivorous and omnivorous species are being pushed out of their habitats by lack of food related to light pollution. Their findings all for more diversification efforts from urbanists and landscape designers.

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