Darkness News

Insects are Distracted by Light, Not Drawn In By It

May 1, 2023 - BioRxiv

A pre-publication study from Samuel Fabian at the Imperial College of London has determined that the dorsal light response of most flying insects isn’t drawn to light, per se, but merely gets distracted and stuck by light as the insect passes by the source. Local flight path disruption in this way may be a disruption of attitude control, not navigational function.

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Dim Light at Night Harms Rural Moths

April 28, 2023 - Journal of Applied Ecology

Lepidopterists at Vrije Universiteit Brussels have found that rural moths are not going dormant over winter months due to the presence of light at night. The paper calls for greater measures to limit skyglow during the autumn.

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Outdoor Light: Uplight, Reflections, and Efficiency

April 25, 2023 - Energies

A new study from the Warsaw University of Technology has determined that key to balancing efficiency requirements against light pollution is a better-designed fixture. By reducing upward light at the luminaire as well as upward flux (the light reflected off of surfaces) balance can be achieved. Upward flux remains difficult to both estimate and calculate but lighting plans should consider the environment when planning brightness levels.

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Bee Cave, TX Recognized by the IDA as a ‘Dark Sky Community’

April 24, 2023 - NBC-KXAN

The central Texas town is the 40th such community overall, and the 7th in the state. IDA officials noted recent lighting bylaws combined with ongoing awareness campaigns from city hall as part of their reasons for granting the designation.

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Big Bend Dark Sky Reserve Celebrates

April 21, 2023

Ft Davis Texas-area park and observatory celebrated their first anniversary and International Dark Sky Week with talks, tours, and labs […]

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Light Pollution Weakens Circadian Rhythms

April 20, 2023 - International Journal of Molecular Science

Researchers at Comenius University’s Department of Animal Physiology and Ethology have found that low-levels of light at night notably weakens the circadian response in the region of the brain that regulates that response in rodents. These changes do carry through to other hormonal signals throughout the body.

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Saskatoon, SK Town Council Moves Ahead with Lighting Bylaw

April 19, 2023 - CJWW

A package of new bylaws and bylaw amendments including a requirement for night preserving lighting is set for final approval this June.

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Understanding Mankind’s Threats to the Night

April 18, 2023 - BioScience

A comprehensive study by Kevin J Gaston of the University of Exeter has catalogued the various threats; light pollution, changes to land use, climate change, resource use, spread of invasive species, and habitat destruction that come from man-made changes to the nighttime environment.

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FCC Launches Space Bureau

April 17, 2023 - - Space News

The Federal Communications Commission has announced its plans to spin off a section of its International Bureau to regulate low-earth orbit satellites. In addition to improving approval times, changing broadcast spectrum sharing requirements, and working with international agencies to manage devices the new department will make safe de-orbiting a requirement for every device after 5 years of operation.

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Cleveland is a Bird-Strike Hot Spot

April 14, 2023 - Axios

Cleveland, Ohio is estimated to host 5,000 bird strike related death per year — compared with Columbus’ 500 — Local volunteers are working to recruit more members for their Light Out initiative.

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Mountain Village, CO Alters Lighting Requirements

April 13, 2023 - Telluride Daily Planet

Town Councillors have altered the Community Development Code section on lighting regulations such that residences and businesses will not be obliged to retrofit for dark sky requirement if the cost of a exterior project in under $500,000. Roof repairs and replacements were already exempt from the rules. Prior to this change any outside project over $50,000 would force a lighting redesign.

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Circadian Rhythms Linked with Headaches

April 13, 2023 - Neurology

Neurologists in Texas have found that cluster headaches and migraines are linked with circadian rhythms within the hypothalamus. Both were associated with low melatonin counts and night time peaks.

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